Monday, was very tired to go to college but reached college and was doing final touches of school induction report and was helping my friends finish their report. Then heades to class first hour was Gibi ma'am class she thought us about adjustment mechanism and later it was our principal Benedict sir's class he organised that class to discuss and share our reflections on the school induction program.
Each student represented one school and they shared their experiences,from our group it was kavya and she explained everything in a very genuine and detailed manner.
After that it was the oath taking ceremony of 65th union and the union was finally formed. Then we had our lunch and headed to Ancy maams class and she made us write about Froebel and after that women's cell organised a self protection class by kerala police and it was a wonyl session they made us do basic exercises and taught us some self protection. All ready for some self protection 😋
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